tinc doesn't listen/connect
Bart Friederichs
plant at chello.nl
Mon Dec 18 18:31:52 CET 2000
> > I installed tinc as described in the documentation and started the tincd. It
> > runs, all config files seem ok, but when I do a netstat -an, it isn't listening
> > nor connected (to another tincd on another host). Is there a configfile error
> > or something else?
> Tinc should in any case open at least one listening TCP connection when it
> runs. Check if it really runs. We can tell you more if you send us your
> configuration files!
Okay, I attached them now. I am sure it runs, when I do a `ps ax |grep tinc' it
230 ? S 0:34 tincd.p_r (or something, it doesn't run right
On both the two machines.
About the docs: the docs on the homepage is obsolete you say, but what about
the ethertap confguration that is described there? Is that okay?
Bart Friederichs
The internet is a too slow way of doing things you'd never do without it.
Bart Friederichs, 1998
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Name: tinc.conf.nokey
Type: text/english
Size: 255 bytes
Desc: tinc configuration file, located in /etc/tinc/p_r
Url : http://brouwer.uvt.nl/pipermail/tinc/attachments/20001218/0041fb6d/tinc.conf.bin
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# host configuration
Address = raedecker.dhs.org
PublicKey =
Subnet =
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