tinc vpn interface specific dns under Linux

Rob Townley rob.townley at gmail.com
Sun May 22 07:29:59 CEST 2011

Window allows one to specify a DNS domain name and DNS server for a
particular interface.
So all DNS queries of your tinc interface are sent to a particular dns server.
For instance windows tinc clients can use a particular dns server on a
private LAN available only to clients inside that NAT or tinc clients.

NetworkManager allows you to specify the same, but the tinc interface
does not show up in NetworkManager.

shows that ifcfg-ethX files allow you to specify particular DNS
servers for that interface
(sorta anyway because the docs say it just gets added to /etc/resolv.conf).
So adding   DNS1=<ip of my DNS server available over tinc net>     to
may get me somewhere to this goal.
But how can one add DNS1 to the tinc interface instance or at least
Can i just create a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-tincvpn file
and put the DNS entries in there?
Is there something i can do with tinc-up to set DNS for the tinc interface?

i am not going to add individual hosts to /etc/hosts.

man host.conf and man resolv.conf do not have the answer.

i thought for sure /etc/networks would be the solution, but 'man
networks' says that only class A, B, C networks are supported.  CIDR
notation is not.

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