LocalDiscovery detecting nodes through tunnel
Dominik George
nik at naturalnet.de
Fri Apr 5 01:02:55 CEST 2013
> What are your current set of firewall rules you are currently using?
What I am using is exactly what you proposed, with all policies being ACCEPT.
I assume that the discovery broadcasts would be mentioned in Tinc's
debug output - at debug level 5, I do not see anything about it. That's
why I concluded they aren't sent.
* mirabilos is handling my post-1990 smartphone *
<mirabilos> Aaah, it vibrates! Wherefore art thou, demonic device??
2013-05-19 - 05-21 Geocaching-Tour Hamburg (2 Betten frei)
2013-06-28 - 06-30 http://project-eck.de Koblenz
2013-08-01 - 08-04 http://berlin-mega.de Berlin (2 Betten frei)
2013-08-28 - 09-02 http://prora2013.de Rügen
2013-12-27 - 12-31 30c3 Hamburg (2 Betten frei)
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