Tinc power consuption

Raul Dias raul at dias.com.br
Wed Apr 24 04:53:12 CEST 2013

powertop 2.1 here.
but I bet this is the driver and not tinc, anyways.


The battery reports a discharge rate of 14.2 W
System baseline power is estimated at 4.81 W

Power est.    Usage     Device name
  10.1 W      4.6%        CPU use
  3.00 W      0.0 pkts/s  nic:swi
  141 mW     14.9 ops/s   GPU
  100 mW    246.9 pkts/s  Network interface: wlan0 (iwlwifi)
    0 mW    100.0%        Radio device: btusb
    0 mW    100.0%        Radio device: iwlwifi

The battery reports a discharge rate of 15.1 W
The estimated remaining time is 6 hours, 30 minutes

Summary: 345.5 wakeups/second,  13.4 GPU ops/seconds, 0.0 VFS ops/sec and
5.6% CPU use

Power est.              Usage       Events/s    Category       Description
  3.98 W     84.7%                      Device         USB device:
Microsoft® 2.4GHz Transceiver v5.0 (Microsoft)
  2.96 W      0.0 pkts/s                Device         nic:swi

2013/4/23 Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>

> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:58:23AM -0300, Raul Dias wrote:
> > when I on battery on my notebook, running powertop, I get
> > nic:<tinc-net-name> as the most power consuption resource in my notebook
> > just after the screen.
> >
> > This happens no matter if I have traffic or not.
> >
> > I am not really sure that if this is really a tinc fault or a tap/tun
> > implementation that never sleeps.
> >
> > any advice?
> Can you copy&paste the output of powertop? It's not always clear what is
> being
> reported. I'm using PowerTop v2.0, and nowhere does it actually show the
> power
> consumption in Watts for individual resources. In the "Device stats"
> panel, it
> shows relative usage for individual resources, but that is either a
> percentage
> (of what is not clear, the sum of all percentages is much more than 100%
> on my
> laptop anyway), or a number of events per second (for example, ops/s for
> the
> GPU, pkts/s for network interfaces). If there is no traffic on the VPN
> interface, PowerTop on my laptop says 0 pkts/s. When connected to the VPN
> but
> otherwise idle, the "Overview" panel shows that tincd has only between 0.3
> and
> 1.0 wakeups/s.
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
>      Guus Sliepen <guus at tinc-vpn.org>
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