Problem with tinc.log and logrotate.

Ramses II ramses.sevilla at
Fri Apr 26 18:17:42 CEST 2013

Hi Guus,

2013/4/26 Guus Sliepen <guus at>:
> On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 01:05:10PM +0200, Ramses II wrote:
>> Now I have the following in logrotate file (tinc):
>> /var/log/tinc.log {
> [...]
>>   postrotate
>>     kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
>>   endscript
>> }
>> I run "logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/tinc" and the same situation, creates
>> the new "tinc.log" but it goes report in the "tinc.log.4" file:
>> ----------- tinc.log.4 ------------------
>> .
>> .
>> 1366973321 tinc[14882]: Got HUP signal
>> .
>> .
>> -----------------------------------------
> The "Got HUP signal" message will always end up in the old log. Which version
> of tinc are you running? You need 1.0.15 or later for this to work
> correctly.

I'm testing it in Tinc 1.0.13. It's installed in a OpenVZ container
and I have installed it from the repositories, I haven't compiled it
from the sources.

Now I have tested it in Tinc 1.0.19, in other machine, and it works well.

It's a bug of Tinc 1.0.13, isn't it?

Best regards,


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