State graph of UDP data-connections
Steffen Vogel
post at
Wed Aug 6 14:56:37 CEST 2014
Hi Guus,
thanks for your reply. And thanks for this wonderful project/work :-)
Am Mittwoch, den 06.08.2014, 13:15 +0200 schrieb Guus Sliepen:
> The ADD_EDGE messages are only sent for meta-connections, not for direct
> UDP connections. The state of UDP connections is not communicated
> amongst nodes.
Ah okay. I was irritated by the fact that the docs mention 'UDP port of
node2' for the fourth argument of ADD_EDGE.
But isn't this information required for routing?
> This should give some information about node foo. There is one line
> starting with "Reachability:" that will tell you about how tinc will
> send packets to that node. It can either be:
> - unreachable: the node cannot be reached in any way currently.
> - unknown: the node is reachable but the local node has not (yet) tried
> to communicate with it directly.
> - indirectly via ...: the node cannot be reached directly, packets will
> be forwarded by an intermediate node.
> - directly with UDP: packets will be sent directly using UDP.
> - directly with TCP: the local node has a meta connection with foo, but
> UDP doesn't work, so it will send the packets via the TCP connection.
Oh thats really nice. Totally missed the 'info' command.
Maybe your explanations to the docs.
Do you accept patches/pull-requests via GitHub?
Steffen Vogel
Robensstraße 69
52070 Aachen
Mail: post at
Mobil: +49 1575 7180927
Jabber: steffen.vogel at
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