<div dir="ltr"><pre>La 25.09.2015 13:00, <a href="mailto:tinc-request@tinc-vpn.org">tinc-request@tinc-vpn.org</a> a scris:<br></pre><span style="white-space:pre">> Unfortunately, this is not something that maps well to systemd. It would<br>> require a systemd to run a script that parses the sysconfig file and<br>> start all the tinc daemons. Systemd will then put all those daemons in<br>> the same control group and won't recognize something is wrong if only<br>> one of the daemons fail. So backwards compatibility with the old way Red<br>> Hat did it is not really the way to go.<br></span><br>Hello,<br><br><br>IMHO, it's *unavoidable* that the systemd initialization reads some sort of configuration file and learns from it how many tincd processes it should launch and which VPN name for each.<br><br>If the configuration file tinc.conf remains VPN-dependent ( *different* tinc.conf files for VPN1, VPN2, etc., located under /etc/tinc/VPN1, /etc/tinc/VPN2, etc.) the above-mentioned configuration file cannot be tinc.conf<br><br>So I thought one may use /etc/sysconfig/tinc instead. Of course, this has the disadvantage of being Red Hat-specific; it would be *great* to have, for that role, a configuration file that resides in a common place, for both Red Hat and Debian families.<br><br><br>Best regards,<br>Răzvan<br></div>