<div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><div>Hi,</div><div><br></div><div>I need to re-open the thread blow. The situation is still the same.</div><div>The HUP signal does not trigger reloading of subnet declarations in own hosts file (Version 1.0.35).</div><div>After a quick view to the source code, file src/net.c shows in line 658 </div><div>would reload subnets when using StrictSubnets only.</div><div>But why? With StrictSubnets it doesn't make sense to me.</div><div><br></div><div>I did a quick check and removed the </div><div> if (strictsubnets)</div><div>to let HUP signal reload sunets and it works.</div><div><br></div><div>So why is the update of local subnet declaration with HUP signal possible in</div><div>StrictSubnet mode only?</div><div></div><div><br></div><div>Armin</div><div><br></div><div>Am Sa., 5. Dez. 2015 um 15:10 Uhr schrieb Armin Schindler <<a href="mailto:armin@melware.de">armin@melware.de</a>>:</div><div>Hello Guus,</div><div>On 11/18/2015 11:22 AM, Guus Sliepen wrote:<br></div><div>> On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 08:25:28AM +0100, Armin Schindler wrote:</div><div>> </div><div>>> But I have a question regarding "Subnet=" possibilities. When I have more than</div><div>>> one Server acting as host for VMs and need to have automatic routing to</div><div>>> all VMs on these servers, can I use tinc to create this routing automatically?</div><div>>></div><div>>> My idea is to have a script which is started when a VM is started/stopped</div><div>>> which will add/remove an Subnet=x.x.x.x/32 entry for this VMs IP address in</div><div>>> the local hosts file of that node and send a HUP signal to tincd.</div><div>>> Will tinc announce this new routing destination to all other nodes immediately?</div><div>> </div><div>> Yes, that will work. It might be a bit easier of you use the tinc 1.1</div><div>> prerelease, or at least use the "tinc" command from 1.1, so you can add</div><div>> and remove subnets simply by running:</div><div>> </div><div>> tinc -n <netname> add Subnet x.x.x.x/32</div><div>> </div><div>> If you are running a 1.1preX tincd, it will automatically get notified,</div><div>> if you are running a 1.0.x tincd, you have to do "tincd -n <netname></div><div>> -kHUP" to have it update its Subnets.</div><div><br></div><div>it doesn't work. tincd doesn't reread the its hosts config file to</div><div>get the new Subnet settings.</div><div>I rewrote the hosts/<my host> file (adding a Subnet) and sent</div><div>the HUP signal. But with USR2 signal, each node and the local itself</div><div>doesn't show anything about the new Subnet entry.</div><div>Did I miss something?</div><div>I need to stay with version 1.0.</div><div><br></div><div>Armin</div><div><br></div></div></div>