--- /dev/null
+. ./testlib.sh
+foo_dir=$(peer_directory foo)
+if is_windows; then
+ foo_tinc_up=$foo_tinc_up.cmd
+ foo_host_up=$foo_host_up.cmd
+# Sample RSA key pair (old format). Uses e = 0xFFFF.
+# Extracts the PEM key from a config file, leaving the file unchanged.
+# usage: extract_pem_key_from_config path_to_file
+extract_pem_key_from_config() {
+ sed -n '/-----BEGIN /,/-----END /p' "$1"
+# Removes the PEM key from a config file.
+# usage: rm_pem_key_from_config path_to_file
+rm_pem_key_from_config() {
+ sed_cmd '/-----BEGIN /,/-----END /d' "$1"
+reinit_configs() {
+ if [ -d "$foo_dir" ]; then
+ chmod -f 755 "$foo_dir"
+ rm -rf "$foo_dir"
+ fi
+ tinc foo <<EOF
+init foo
+set DeviceType dummy
+fsck_test() {
+ echo >&2 "[STEP] $*"
+ reinit_configs
+run_access_checks() {
+ ! is_root && ! is_windows
+test_private_keys() {
+ keyfile=$1
+ fsck_test "Must fail on broken $keyfile"
+ printf '' >"$foo_dir/$keyfile"
+ if with_legacy; then
+ expect_msg 'no private key is known' tinc foo fsck
+ else
+ must_fail_with_msg 'no Ed25519 private key found' tinc foo fsck
+ fi
+ if run_access_checks; then
+ fsck_test "Must fail on inaccessible $keyfile"
+ chmod 000 "$foo_dir/$keyfile"
+ if with_legacy; then
+ expect_msg 'error reading' tinc foo fsck
+ else
+ must_fail_with_msg 'error reading' tinc foo fsck
+ fi
+ fi
+ if ! is_windows; then
+ fsck_test "Must warn about unsafe permissions on $keyfile"
+ chmod 666 "$foo_dir/$keyfile"
+ expect_msg 'unsafe file permissions' tinc foo fsck
+ fi
+ if with_legacy; then
+ fsck_test "Must pass on missing $keyfile when the other key is present"
+ rm -f "$foo_dir/$keyfile"
+ tinc foo fsck
+ fi
+test_private_key_var() {
+ var=$1
+ keyfile=$2
+ fsck_test "Must find private key at $var"
+ mv "$foo_dir/$keyfile" "$foo_dir/renamed_private_key"
+ echo "$var = $(normalize_path "$foo_dir/renamed_private_key")" >>"$foo_conf"
+ fail_on_msg 'key was found but no private key' tinc foo fsck
+test_ec_public_key_file_var() {
+ conf=$1
+ fsck_test "EC public key in Ed25519PublicKeyFile in $conf must work"
+ cat >"$foo_dir/ec_pubkey" <<EOF
+-----BEGIN ED25519 PUBLIC KEY-----
+$(awk '/^Ed25519PublicKey/ { printf $NF }' "$foo_host")
+-----END ED25519 PUBLIC KEY-----
+ sed_cmd '/Ed25519PublicKey/d' "$foo_host"
+ echo "Ed25519PublicKeyFile = $(normalize_path "$foo_dir/ec_pubkey")" >>"$foo_dir/$conf"
+ fail_on_msg 'no (usable) public Ed25519' tinc foo fsck
+test_rsa_public_key_file_var() {
+ conf=$1
+ fsck_test "RSA public key in PublicKeyFile in $conf must work"
+ extract_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host" >"$foo_dir/rsa_pubkey"
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ echo "PublicKeyFile = $(normalize_path "$foo_dir/rsa_pubkey")" >>"$foo_dir/$conf"
+ fail_on_msg 'error reading RSA public key' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Newly created configuration should pass'
+tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must fail on missing tinc.conf'
+rm -f "$foo_conf"
+must_fail_with_msg 'no tinc configuration found' tinc foo fsck
+if run_access_checks; then
+ fsck_test 'Must fail on inaccessible tinc.conf'
+ chmod 000 "$foo_dir"
+ must_fail_with_msg 'not running tinc as root' tinc foo fsck
+if ! is_windows; then
+ fsck_test 'Non-executable tinc-up MUST be fixed by tinc --force'
+ chmod a-x "$foo_tinc_up"
+ expect_msg 'cannot read and execute' tinc foo --force fsck
+ test -x "$foo_tinc_up"
+ fsck_test 'Non-executable tinc-up MUST NOT be fixed by tinc without --force'
+ chmod a-x "$foo_tinc_up"
+ expect_msg 'cannot read and execute' tinc foo fsck
+ must_fail test -x "$foo_tinc_up"
+fsck_test 'Unknown -up script warning'
+touch "$foo_dir/fake-up"
+expect_msg 'unknown script' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Unknown -down script warning'
+touch "$foo_dir/fake-down"
+expect_msg 'unknown script' tinc foo fsck
+if ! is_windows; then
+ fsck_test 'Non-executable foo-up MUST be fixed by tinc --force'
+ touch "$foo_host_up"
+ chmod a-x "$foo_host_up"
+ expect_msg 'cannot read and execute' tinc foo --force fsck
+ test -x "$foo_tinc_up"
+ fsck_test 'Non-executable bar-up MUST NOT be fixed by tinc'
+ touch "$foo_dir/hosts/bar-up"
+ chmod a-x "$foo_dir/hosts/bar-up"
+ expect_msg 'cannot read and execute' tinc foo fsck
+ must_fail test -x "$foo_dir/bar-up"
+if run_access_checks; then
+ fsck_test 'Inaccessible hosts/foo must fail'
+ chmod 000 "$foo_host"
+ must_fail_with_msg 'cannot open config file' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must fail when all private keys are missing'
+rm -f "$foo_ec_priv" "$foo_rsa_priv"
+if with_legacy; then
+ must_fail_with_msg 'neither RSA or Ed25519 private key' tinc foo fsck
+ must_fail_with_msg 'no Ed25519 private key' tinc foo fsck
+if with_legacy; then
+ test_private_keys rsa_key.priv
+ if ! is_windows; then
+ fsck_test 'Must warn about unsafe permissions on tinc.conf with PrivateKey'
+ rm -f "$foo_rsa_priv"
+ echo "PrivateKey = $rsa_d" >>"$foo_conf"
+ echo "PublicKey = $rsa_n" >>"$foo_host"
+ chmod 666 "$foo_conf"
+ expect_msg 'unsafe file permissions' tinc foo fsck
+ fi
+ fsck_test 'Must warn about missing RSA private key if public key is present'
+ rm -f "$foo_rsa_priv"
+ expect_msg 'public RSA key was found but no private key' tinc foo fsck
+ fsck_test 'Must warn about missing RSA public key'
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ expect_msg 'no (usable) public RSA' tinc foo fsck
+ must_fail grep -q 'BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY' "$foo_host"
+ fsck_test 'Must fix missing RSA public key on --force'
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ expect_msg 'wrote RSA public key' tinc foo --force fsck
+ grep -q 'BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY' "$foo_host"
+ test_private_key_var PrivateKeyFile rsa_key.priv
+ test_rsa_public_key_file_var tinc.conf
+ test_rsa_public_key_file_var hosts/foo
+ fsck_test 'RSA PublicKey + PrivateKey must work'
+ rm -f "$foo_rsa_priv"
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ echo "PrivateKey = $rsa_d" >>"$foo_conf"
+ echo "PublicKey = $rsa_n" >>"$foo_host"
+ fail_on_msg 'no (usable) public RSA' tinc foo fsck
+ fsck_test 'RSA PrivateKey without PublicKey must warn'
+ rm -f "$foo_rsa_priv"
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ echo "PrivateKey = $rsa_d" >>"$foo_conf"
+ expect_msg 'PrivateKey used but no PublicKey found' tinc foo fsck
+ fsck_test 'Must warn about missing EC private key if public key is present'
+ rm -f "$foo_ec_priv"
+ expect_msg 'public Ed25519 key was found but no private key' tinc foo fsck
+ fsck_test 'Must fix broken RSA public key with --force'
+ sed_cmd 2d "$foo_host"
+ expect_msg 'old key(s) found and disabled' tinc foo --force fsck
+ tinc foo fsck
+ fsck_test 'Must fix missing RSA public key with --force'
+ rm_pem_key_from_config "$foo_host"
+ expect_msg 'no (usable) public RSA key found' tinc foo --force fsck
+ tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must fix broken Ed25519 public key with --force'
+sed_cmd 's/Ed25519PublicKey.*/Ed25519PublicKey = foobar/' "$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'no (usable) public Ed25519 key' tinc foo --force fsck
+tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must fix missing Ed25519 public key with --force'
+sed_cmd '/Ed25519PublicKey/d' "$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'no (usable) public Ed25519 key' tinc foo --force fsck
+tinc foo fsck
+test_private_keys ed25519_key.priv
+test_private_key_var Ed25519PrivateKeyFile ed25519_key.priv
+test_ec_public_key_file_var tinc.conf
+test_ec_public_key_file_var hosts/foo
+fsck_test 'Must warn about missing EC public key and NOT fix without --force'
+sed_cmd '/Ed25519PublicKey/d' "$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'no (usable) public Ed25519' tinc foo fsck
+must_fail grep -q 'ED25519 PUBLIC KEY' "$foo_host"
+fsck_test 'Must fix missing EC public key on --force'
+sed_cmd '/Ed25519PublicKey/d' "$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'wrote Ed25519 public key' tinc foo --force fsck
+grep -q 'ED25519 PUBLIC KEY' "$foo_host"
+fsck_test 'Must warn about obsolete variables'
+echo 'GraphDumpFile = /dev/null' >>"$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'obsolete variable GraphDumpFile' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must warn about missing values'
+echo 'Weight = ' >>"$foo_host"
+must_fail_with_msg 'no value for variable `Weight' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must warn about duplicate variables'
+echo 'Weight = 0' >>"$foo_host"
+echo 'Weight = 1' >>"$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'multiple instances of variable Weight' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must warn about server variables in host config'
+echo 'Interface = fake0' >>"$foo_host"
+expect_msg 'server variable Interface found' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must warn about host variables in server config'
+echo 'Port = 1337' >>"$foo_conf"
+expect_msg 'host variable Port found' tinc foo fsck
+fsck_test 'Must warn about missing Name'
+sed_cmd '/^Name =/d' "$foo_conf"
+must_fail_with_msg 'without a valid Name' tinc foo fsck
timeout() { gtimeout "$@"; }
+# As usual, BSD tools require special handling, as they do not support -i without a suffix.
+# Note that there must be no space after -i, or it won't work on GNU sed.
+sed_cmd() {
+ sed -i.orig "$@"
# Are the shell tools provided by busybox?
is_busybox() {
timeout --help 2>&1 | grep -q -i busybox
tr -d '\r'
+if is_windows; then
+ normalize_path() { cygpath --mixed -- "$@"; }
+ normalize_path() { echo "$@"; }
# Executes whatever is passed to it, checking that the resulting exit code is non-zero.
must_fail() {
if "$@"; then
+# Executes the passed command and checks two conditions:
+# 1. it must exit successfully (with code 0)
+# 2. its output (stdout + stderr) must include the substring from the first argument (ignoring case)
+# usage: expect_msg 'expected message' command --with --args
+expect_msg() {
+ message=$1
+ shift
+ if ! output=$("$@" 2>&1); then
+ bail 'expected 0 exit code'
+ fi
+ if ! echo "$output" | grep -q -i "$message"; then
+ bail "expected message '$message'"
+ fi
+# The reverse of expect_msg. We cannot simply wrap expect_msg with must_fail
+# because there should be a separate check for tinc exit code.
+fail_on_msg() {
+ message=$1
+ shift
+ if ! output=$("$@" 2>&1); then
+ bail 'expected 0 exit code'
+ fi
+ if echo "$output" | grep -q -i "$message"; then
+ bail "unexpected message '$message'"
+ fi
+# Like expect_msg, but the command must fail with a non-zero exit code.
+# usage: must_fail_with_msg 'expected message' command --with --args
+must_fail_with_msg() {
+ message=$1
+ shift
+ if output=$("$@" 2>&1); then
+ bail "expected a non-zero exit code"
+ fi
+ if ! echo "$output" | grep -i -q "$message"; then
+ bail "expected message '$message'"
+ fi
+# Is the legacy protocol enabled?
+with_legacy() {
+ tincd foo --version | grep -q legacy_protocol
+# Are we running with EUID 0?
+is_root() {
+ test "$(id -u)" = 0
# Executes whatever is passed to it, checking that the resulting exit code is equal to the first argument.
expect_code() {
peer_directory() {
+ peer=$1
case "$peer" in
foo) echo "$DIR_FOO" ;;
bar) echo "$DIR_BAR" ;;
) || true
+# If we're on a CI server, the test requires superuser privileges to run, and we're not
+# currently a superuser, try running the test as one and fail if it doesn't work (the
+# system must be configured to provide passwordless sudo for our user).
+require_root() {
+ if is_root; then
+ return
+ fi
+ if is_ci; then
+ echo "root is required for test $SCRIPTNAME, but we're a regular user; elevating privileges..."
+ if ! command -v sudo 2>/dev/null; then
+ bail "please install sudo and configure passwordless auth for user $USER"
+ fi
+ if ! sudo --preserve-env --non-interactive true; then
+ bail "sudo is not allowed or requires a password for user $USER"
+ fi
+ exec sudo --preserve-env "$@"
+ else
+ # Avoid these kinds of surprises outside CI. Just skip the test.
+ echo "root is required for test $SCRIPTNAME, but we're a regular user; skipping"
+ fi
# Generate path to current shell which can be used from Windows applications.
if is_windows; then
- MINGW_SHELL=$(cygpath --mixed -- "$SHELL")
+ MINGW_SHELL=$(normalize_path "$SHELL")
# This was called from a tincd script. Skip executing commands with side effects.
# Cleanup leftovers from previous runs.
-# On Windows this can actually fail. We don't want to suppress possible failure with -f.
-if [ -d "$DIR_FOO" ]; then rm -r "$DIR_FOO"; fi
-if [ -d "$DIR_BAR" ]; then rm -r "$DIR_BAR"; fi
-if [ -d "$DIR_BAZ" ]; then rm -r "$DIR_BAZ"; fi
+if [ -d "$DIR_FOO" ]; then rm -rf "$DIR_FOO"; fi
+if [ -d "$DIR_BAR" ]; then rm -rf "$DIR_BAR"; fi
+if [ -d "$DIR_BAZ" ]; then rm -rf "$DIR_BAZ"; fi
# Register cleanup function so we don't have to call it everywhere
# (and failed scripts do not leave stray tincd running).