// Create a random cookie for this invitation.
char cookie[25];
randomize(cookie, 18);
+ // Create a filename that doesn't reveal the cookie itself
+ char buf[18 + strlen(fingerprint)];
+ char cookiehash[25];
+ memcpy(buf, cookie, 18);
+ memcpy(buf + 18, fingerprint, sizeof buf - 18);
+ digest_create(digest, buf, sizeof buf, cookiehash);
+ b64encode_urlsafe(cookiehash, cookiehash, 18);
b64encode_urlsafe(cookie, cookie, 18);
// Create a file containing the details of the invitation.
- xasprintf(&filename, "%s" SLASH "invitations" SLASH "%s", confbase, cookie);
+ xasprintf(&filename, "%s" SLASH "invitations" SLASH "%s", confbase, cookiehash);
int ifd = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
if(!ifd) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not create invitation file %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
if(type != 0 || len != 18 || c->status.invitation_used)
return false;
+ // Recover the filename from the cookie and the key
+ digest_t *digest = digest_open_by_name("sha256", 18);
+ if(!digest)
+ abort();
+ char *fingerprint = ecdsa_get_base64_public_key(invitation_key);
+ char hashbuf[18 + strlen(fingerprint)];
char cookie[25];
- b64encode_urlsafe(data, cookie, 18);
+ memcpy(hashbuf, data, 18);
+ memcpy(hashbuf + 18, fingerprint, sizeof hashbuf - 18);
+ digest_create(digest, hashbuf, sizeof hashbuf, cookie);
+ b64encode_urlsafe(cookie, cookie, 18);
+ digest_close(digest);
+ free(fingerprint);
char filename[PATH_MAX], usedname[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(filename, sizeof filename, "%s" SLASH "invitations" SLASH "%s", confbase, cookie);