--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Test import/export error conditions."""
+import os
+from testlib import check, cmd, util
+from testlib.log import log
+from testlib.proc import Tinc
+from testlib.test import Test
+SEPARATOR = f"#{'-' * 63}#"
+MULTI_HOST = f"""
+Name = node0
+Address = sun
+Name = node1
+Address = moon
+MAX_PATH = 255 if os.name == "nt" else os.pathconf("/", "PC_PATH_MAX")
+def init(ctx: Test) -> Tinc:
+ """Initialize a node."""
+ node = ctx.node()
+ stdin = f"""
+ init {node}
+ set Port 0
+ set Address localhost
+ set DeviceType dummy
+ set AutoConnect no
+ """
+ node.cmd(stdin=stdin)
+ return node
+def test_import(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Run tests for command 'import'."""
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", "foo", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", code=1)
+ check.is_in("No host configuration files imported", err)
+ for prefix in "fred", "Name fred", "name = fred", "name=fred":
+ log.info("testing prefix '%s'", prefix)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin=prefix, code=1)
+ check.is_in("Junk at the beginning", err)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin="Name = !@#", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Invalid Name in input", err)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin=f"Name = {LONG_NAME}", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Filename too long", err)
+ log.info("make sure no address for imported nodes is present")
+ for node in "node0", "node1":
+ foo.cmd("get", f"{node}.Address", code=1)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin=MULTI_HOST)
+ check.is_in("Imported 2 host configuration files", err)
+ log.info("check imported nodes addresses")
+ check.equals("sun", cmd.get(foo, "node0.Address"))
+ check.equals("moon", cmd.get(foo, "node1.Address"))
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin="Name = node0", code=1)
+ check.is_in("node0 already exists", err)
+ if os.name != "nt":
+ log.info("import to inaccessible hosts subdirectory")
+ os.chmod(foo.sub("hosts"), 0)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("import", stdin="Name = vinny", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Error creating configuration", err)
+def test_export(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Run tests for command 'export'."""
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export", "foo", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ os.remove(foo.sub(f"hosts/{foo}"))
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Could not open configuration", err)
+ util.write_text(foo.sub("tinc.conf"), "")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Could not find Name", err)
+ os.remove(foo.sub("tinc.conf"))
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Could not open", err)
+def test_exchange(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Run tests for command 'exchange'."""
+ log.info("make sure exchange does not import if export fails")
+ util.write_text(foo.sub("tinc.conf"), "")
+ host_foo = "Name = foo\nAddress ="
+ _, err = foo.cmd("exchange", stdin=host_foo, code=1)
+ assert "Imported" not in err
+def test_exchange_all(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Run tests for command 'exchange'."""
+ log.info("make sure exchange-all does not import if export fails")
+ host_bar = foo.sub("hosts/bar")
+ util.write_text(host_bar, "")
+ os.chmod(host_bar, 0)
+ host_foo = "Name = foo\nAddress ="
+ _, err = foo.cmd("exchange-all", stdin=host_foo, code=1)
+ assert "Imported" not in err
+def test_export_all(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Run tests for command 'export-all'."""
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export-all", "foo", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ host_foo = foo.sub("hosts/foo")
+ util.write_text(host_foo, "Name = foo")
+ os.chmod(host_foo, 0)
+ host_bar = foo.sub("hosts/bar")
+ util.write_text(host_bar, "Host = bar\nAddress =")
+ host_invalid = foo.sub("hosts/xi-Eb-Vx-k3")
+ util.write_text(host_invalid, "Host = invalid")
+ out, err = foo.cmd("export-all", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Could not open configuration", err)
+ log.info("checking bad node name in export")
+ assert "xi-Eb-Vx-k3" not in out
+ for want in "Host = bar", "Address =", SEPARATOR:
+ check.is_in(want, out)
+ log.info("verify that separators are used on separate lines")
+ lines = out.splitlines()
+ separators = list(filter(lambda line: line == SEPARATOR, lines))
+ if len(separators) != 2:
+ log.info("unexpected number of separators: %s", lines)
+ assert False
+ if os.name != "nt":
+ os.chmod(foo.sub("hosts"), 0)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("export-all", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Could not open host configuration", err)
+with Test("test 'import' command") as context:
+ test_import(init(context))
+with Test("test 'export' command") as context:
+ test_export(init(context))
+with Test("test 'exchange' command") as context:
+ test_exchange(init(context))
+if os.name != "nt":
+ with Test("test 'exchange-all' command") as context:
+ test_exchange_all(init(context))
+ with Test("test 'export-all' command") as context:
+ test_export_all(init(context))