--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+"""Test miscellaneous commands."""
+import time
+import typing as T
+from testlib import check, cmd, util
+from testlib.log import log
+from testlib.proc import Tinc, Script
+from testlib.test import Test
+SUBNETS_BAR = ("", "fe80::")
+def init(ctx: Test) -> Tinc:
+ """Initialize a node."""
+ node = ctx.node()
+ stdin = f"""
+ init {node}
+ set Port 0
+ set Address localhost
+ set DeviceType dummy
+ """
+ node.cmd(stdin=stdin)
+ return node
+def configure_nodes(ctx: Test) -> T.Tuple[Tinc, Tinc]:
+ """Create and configure nodes."""
+ log.info("initialize nodes")
+ foo, bar = init(ctx), init(ctx)
+ log.info("configure and start nodes")
+ foo.cmd("add", "Subnet", "")
+ foo.add_script(Script.TINC_UP)
+ foo.add_script(bar.script_up)
+ foo.start()
+ for sub in SUBNETS_BAR:
+ bar.cmd("add", "Subnet", sub)
+ bar.start()
+ log.info("connect nodes")
+ cmd.exchange(foo, bar)
+ foo.cmd("add", "ConnectTo", bar.name)
+ foo.cmd("retry")
+ foo[bar.script_up].wait()
+ return foo, bar
+def test_version(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'version'."""
+ log.info("test command 'version' with redundant arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("version", "foo", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ log.info("test command 'version'")
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("version")
+ check.has_prefix(out, "tinc version ")
+def test_help(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'help'."""
+ log.info("test command 'help'")
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("help")
+ check.is_in("Valid options are", out)
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("help", "foobar")
+ check.is_in("Valid options are", out)
+def test_info(foo: Tinc, bar: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'info'."""
+ log.info("info invalid arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("info", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Invalid number of arguments", err)
+ log.info("info unknown node")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("info", "foobar", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Unknown node foobar", err)
+ log.info("info own node")
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("info", foo.name)
+ check.is_in("can reach itself", out)
+ log.info("info peer node")
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("info", bar.name)
+ check.is_in(bar.name, out)
+ for sub in SUBNETS_BAR:
+ check.is_in(sub, out)
+ log.info("info unknown subnet")
+ for sub in "", "fe82:42::":
+ _, err = foo.cmd("info", sub, code=1)
+ check.is_in("Unknown address", err)
+ log.info("info own valid subnet")
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("info", "")
+ check.is_in("Subnet:", out)
+ check.is_in(f"Owner: {foo}", out)
+ for sub in SUBNETS_BAR:
+ log.info("info peer's valid subnet %s", sub)
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("info", sub)
+ check.is_in(f"Subnet: {sub}", out)
+ check.is_in(f"Owner: {bar}", out)
+def test_pid(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'pid'."""
+ log.info("test pid with too many arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("pid", "foo", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ log.info("test pid without arguments")
+ pidfile = util.read_text(foo.sub("pid"))
+ pid, _ = pidfile.split(maxsplit=1)
+ out, _ = foo.cmd("pid")
+ check.equals(pid, out.strip())
+def test_debug(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'debug'."""
+ for args in ("debug",), ("debug", "1", "2"):
+ _, err = foo.cmd(*args, code=1)
+ check.is_in("Invalid number of arguments", err)
+ _, err = foo.cmd("debug", "5")
+ check.is_in("new level 5", err)
+def test_log(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'log'."""
+ log.info("test with too many arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("log", "foo", "bar", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ log.info("test correct call")
+ log_client = foo.tinc("log")
+ foo.cmd("reload")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ foo.cmd("stop")
+ out, _ = log_client.communicate()
+ check.true(out)
+def test_restart(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test command 'restart'."""
+ log.info("restart without arguments")
+ foo.cmd("restart")
+ foo[Script.TINC_UP].wait()
+ log.info("restart with an argument")
+ foo.cmd("restart", "-d3")
+ foo[Script.TINC_UP].wait()
+ # Checking the error message is unreliable since
+ # it's provided by getopt() and differs from OS to OS.
+ log.info("restart with invalid options")
+ foo.cmd("restart", "--fake-invalid-option", code=1)
+ log.info("restart with invalid arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd("restart", "bad-incorrect-argument", code=1)
+ check.is_in("unrecognized argument", err)
+def test_shell(foo: Tinc) -> None:
+ """Test shell."""
+ log.info("indented comments are not ignored")
+ _, err = foo.cmd(stdin=" # ", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Unknown command", err)
+ log.info("comments are ignored")
+ _, err = foo.cmd(stdin="# this_will_fail unless comments are ignored")
+ assert "this_will_fail" not in err
+ log.info("inline comments are treated as arguments")
+ _, err = foo.cmd(stdin="version # inline comments are not ignored", code=1)
+ check.is_in("Too many arguments", err)
+ log.info("check exit commands")
+ for command in "exit", "quit":
+ out, _ = foo.cmd(stdin=command)
+ check.blank(out)
+def run_tests(ctx: Test) -> None:
+ """Run tests."""
+ foo, bar = configure_nodes(ctx)
+ test_shell(foo)
+ test_version(foo)
+ test_help(foo)
+ test_info(foo, bar)
+ test_pid(foo)
+ test_debug(foo)
+ test_log(foo)
+ test_restart(foo)
+with Test("run tests") as context:
+ run_tests(context)