dnl Check to find the OpenSSL headers/libraries AC_DEFUN(tinc_OPENSSL, [ AC_ARG_WITH(openssl, [ --with-openssl=DIR OpenSSL library and headers prefix], [openssl_lib="$withval/lib" openssl_include="$withval/include"] ) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for openssl headers], tinc_cv_openssl_include, [ AC_ARG_WITH(openssl-include, [ --with-openssl-include=DIR OpenSSL headers directory], [tinc_cv_openssl_include="$withval"], [if test "x$openssl_include" = "x" ; then tinc_cv_openssl_include="none given" else tinc_cv_openssl_include=$openssl_include fi] ) ]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for openssl libraries], tinc_cv_openssl_lib, [ AC_ARG_WITH(openssl-lib, [ --with-openssl-lib=DIR OpenSSL library directory], [tinc_cv_openssl_lib="$withval"], [if test "x$openssl_lib" = "x" ; then tinc_cv_openssl_lib="none given" else tinc_cv_openssl_lib=$openssl_lib fi] ) ]) if test "$tinc_cv_openssl_lib" != "none given" ; then LIBS="$LIBS -L$tinc_cv_openssl_lib" fi if test "$tinc_cv_openssl_include" != "none given" ; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I$tinc_cv_openssl_include" fi osi=found AC_CHECK_HEADERS(evp.h rsa.h rand.h err.h sha.h pem.h, [], [osi=none; break]) if test "$osi" = "none" ; then osi=found AC_CHECK_HEADERS(openssl/evp.h openssl/rsa.h openssl/rand.h openssl/err.h openssl/sha.h openssl/pem.h, [], [osi=none; break]) fi libcrypto=none if test "$osi" = "found" ; then AC_CHECK_LIB(crypto, SHA1_version, [ libcrypto=yes ]) fi if test $libcrypto = none; then cat <