Cross-compiling tinc 1.1 for Windows

Martin_Kaufman at Martin_Kaufman at
Tue Sep 1 15:20:13 CEST 2015

Hi Guus,

>Yes, getting ncurses to work on Windows can be tricky.

I managed to cross-compile readline and termcap, and was able to link tinc against that.
Thank you for your help!

I also added "--prefix="C:/Program\ Files/tinc/", but that does not quite do the trick, I get error messages like:

~/tinc>tinc.exe top
Could not open pid file C:/Program Files/tinc/etc\tinc\pid: No such file or directory

When specifying the correct config dir by passing "-c <PATH>", everything works as expected, though.

I noticed your pre-built binaries just output "C:/Program Files/tinc/pid" in this case.
To get in sync with your binaries, could you share your entire "./configure" commandline?



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