Isolating a subnet on demand

Raimund Sacherer rs at
Thu May 7 13:18:26 CEST 2015

----- Original Message ----- 

> From: "Etienne Dechamps" <etienne at>
> To: err404 at
> Cc: tinc at
> Sent: Monday, May 4, 2015 10:30:49 PM
> Subject: Re: Isolating a subnet on demand

> I'm still confused, but in any case, there's nothing stopping "miou"
> from impersonating "apeliote"'s subnets in your case, unless you use
> StrictSubnets.

I am pretty sure what the other person is referring to with "key" is actually the configuration file with the config parameters:

--- snip ---
#Name = Foobarlol
Address = public_ip
Subnet = tinc_ip/32
Port = 1042
--- snip ---

and then the key. It might be that there exists a confusion in what constitutes the Key and the configuration. 


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