tinc initialization (in both Red Hat and Debian families)

Răzvan Sandu rsandu2007 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 08:31:09 CEST 2015

Hello again,

>From the point of view of a Red Hat *user*, the standardised way of doing
things would be to have
an /etc/sysconfig/tinc file containing something like:

NETWORKS="vpn1 vpn2 vpn3"   (one or more names separated by spaces)

At initialization, each name should launch a separate tinc instance (a
different VPN)

tinc service should not start until the user adds at least one VPN name
(say "vpn1")  in the /etc/sysconfig/tinc and the corresponding
/etc/tinc/vpn1 directory

As for the tinc.service file itself, a good start would be, IMHO:


Best regards,
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