Version 1.1pre9 released.
- The UNIX socket is now created before tinc-up is called.
- Windows users can now use any extension that is in %PATHEXT% for scripts, not only .bat.
- Outgoing sockets are bound to the address of the listening sockets again, when there is no ambiguity.
- Added invitation-created and invitation-accepted scripts.
- Invited nodes now learn of the Mode and Broadcast settings of the VPN.
- Joining a VPN with an invitation now also works on Windows.
- The port number tincd is listening on is now always included in the invitation URL.
- A running tincd is now correctly informed when a new invitation has been generated.
- Several bug fixes for the new protocol.
- Added a test suite.
Thanks to Etienne Dechamps for his contribution to this version of tinc.